Moore Moore, How Do You Like It?
What does it take to get a city to actually change its building code? There’s an expression, “lightning never strikes the same place twice.” That’s a myth. Much like the false belief that if a big storm hits your town it won’t happen again anytime soon.

Five Things You Need to do Before the Next Big Storm
Hurricane season is upon us and it’s only a matter of time before the next big one hits. Some of this may seem obvious; I see you rolling your eyes. But watch the clips we’ve posted for our documentary film The Last House Standing.

What's the Real Cost?
As we are working on our documentary film The Last House Standing, the same question keeps popping up in my mind, “Why do people risk everything they care about and not prepare properly for a weather disaster?”

The Wrath of Fire
What would you do if you were told to run into your house and grab whatever you can and get out now? That’s what people in Malibu, California were faced with last November. Fires are nothing new to this area; dry summers lead to ripe conditions for fire every fall.

Light at the End of the Tunnel
It’s hard to remain hopeful when traveling to disaster-stricken areas and talking to those who, over the course of a few hours, have lost nearly everything. All too many we spoke with were blindsided. The reality is that most people in disaster-prone areas are not prepared for the worst-case scenario.

A Helping Hand
Disasters tend to bring out the worst in some people, and those stories make the headlines, but they also bring out the best in many people who rise to the occasion to help others. For every sign warning that looters will be shot, there are people going door to door to see if their neighbors are okay.

Hurricane Michael Six Months Later
We recently had the opportunity to return to Panama City and Mexico Beach as we continue production on our documentary film The Last House Standing. The first time we went there was in November, about a month after Hurricane Michael hit.

There's A Reason We Have Insurance
A lot of people have a very laid back approach when it comes to insurance. Who wants to pay for something you might end up not needing? But we really all should be thinking, “I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.